An Evening of FUNd-raising For Student U

Reception, Wednesday, September 22, 2010
6:00 – 8:30 pm
Live Music by Mariah Young Jones, The Blue Tailed Skinks, and Lizzy Ross

Outsiders Art & Collectibles hosts a fund-raising open house for Student U to celebrate and support Student U’s year-round programs. This event is free and open to the public.

The open house will be a reflection of the best of Durham and it’s commitment to philanthropy featuring live music from Mariah Young Jones, The Blue Tailed Skinks and Lizzy Ross. Outsiders Art & Collectibles will feature local Durham Outsider artists and will hold a raffle for an original piece of artwork, as well as 2 cans of beer from Triangle Brewing Company, signed and numbered by the owners, from the first run of the first canning; a great collector’s item as Triangle Brewery is the first micro-brewery in North Carolina to can its product! Food and beverages have been generously provided by the Durham Catering Company, Rue Cler Restaurant, Pop’s Restaurant, Chapel Hill Wine Company, and Triangle Brewing Company. Additional community partners include volunteers from the Durham Chamber of Commerce and Peak, Swirles & Cavallito Properties who will be on hand to sell raffle tickets. Student U teachers and students will also be present at the event to meet the community and share their experiences as members of the program. All proceeds from the raffle will go to Student U along with a
percentage of the sales from the Gallery.

About Student U:
The mission of Student U is to empower students in the Durham Public Schools to take ownership of their education and was created through a partnership between Durham Public Schools, Durham Academy, UNC, Duke and NCCU. Students enrolled in Student U participate in a six-week summer intensive program every summer of their middle school years, as well as, a year round program during which they are mentored and tutored to ensure that they are reaching their full academic potential. High School students participate in a summer internship program, have college academic advisers and attend monthly workshop throughout their high school years. All teachers at Student U are college students from Duke, UNC, NCCU and NCSU.

About Outsiders Art & Collectibles:
Outsiders Art & Collectibles is Durham’s only gallery focusing on the genre of Southern Outsider Art. Outsider’s owner, Pamela Gutlon, strongly believes in bringing Durham’s business, non-profit, and art communities together in order to better serve Durham. She learned about Student U through Tom Ferguson, owner of Durham Catering Company, who, in addition to providing food for this event, hosts yearly dinner receptions at his home to introduce others to Student U. This celebration of Student U will once again highlight Durham’s ability to come together to better serve its constituents.

Associated Links:
Student U:
Durham Catering Co:
Chapel Hill Wine Company:
Triangle Brewing Company:
Blue Tailed Skinks:
Lizz Ross :
Durham Chamber of Commerce:
Peak, Swirles, & Cavallito: